
Examples of projects we have implemented

Below we present selected IT systems designed and developed by our company.

Certification of organic farming
and other organically produced products

B2B class IT systems responsible for the integration of all activities involved in the certification process, performed by certification authorities and cooperating enterprises.

The basic scope of functionalities implemented in our systems includes, among other things:

  • Registering and reviewing the files for clients being under the supervision of a given authority; analyzing, aggregating and reporting all customer information required by EU and national law.
  • Automatic allocation of entities for annual controls in a given season, including:
    1. administrative division (voivodships, poviats, communes),
    2. results of risk analysis performed within the system,
    3. defined time limits when controls are to carried out for selected entities,
    4. relationships that may appear between entities and inspectors performing the controls,
    5. and a number of other indicators being the subject of analyzes performed in the system.

  • Providing inspectors with the necessary documentation and information to allow for the control to be performed.
  • Performing on-site controls by completing an electronic version of the report and sending the results of the control to the unit (report, notification update and other attachments).
  • Verification of reports prepared in the course of control, completed and sent by inspectors.
  • Emission of all documents provided for in the certification process.
  • Emission of all documents provided for in the certification process.
  • Collecting information on risk analysis and collecting the client's performance of recommendations that have been given by a supervising entity.
  • Comprehensive management of the sampling process.
  • Automatic creation of list reports to GIJHARS, ARiMR and MRiRW - in accordance with applicable EU and national law.
  • Keeping all kinds of registers necessary to support the current work of the unit.
  • Exchange of correspondence between the unit and the applicant, inspectors and other entities; registering and accounting for all sent and received correspondence.

Certification of Management Systems

The Management Systems Certification Service System is designed to support all activities related to the organization and implementation of the certification process of enterprise management systems.

The system allows, among other things, for the following:

  • Collecting all customer information necessary for the successful completion of the certification process.
  • Recording data about the auditors and their competences.
  • Supervising the entire certification process:
    1. registering a complete certification application,
    2. fully automatic generation of the offer, based on the information about a customer and on the application submitted,
    3. creating an audit schedule,
    4. automatic selection of auditors for scheduled audits, taking into account the competence of auditors, standards audited at the client and the industry in which the client operates,
    5. creating and printing contracts with auditors,
    6. registering an audit report,
    7. automatic issuance of certificates.
  • Generating and printing all types of documents, generated on the basis of editable templates.
  • Advanced search of data within the system via the Statements and Statistical Analysis module.

Training and certification of personnel

The Personnel Training and Certification System is intended to support all activities related to the organization of training, exams and tests for persons, as well as the course of the audit certification process.

The system allows, among other things, for the following:

  • Collecting all customer information necessary for the successful completion of the certification process.
  • Recording data about the auditors and about their qualifications.
  • Supervising the entire training organization process:
    1. recording the basic data about the training,
    2. preparation of personalized shipping with training information, to clearly specified groups of recipients and automatic sending of e-mail via the built-in "Newsletter" module
    3. registering reports from the persons interested in a given training,
    4. calculating the value of costs and profit of a given training,
    5. generating batches of testing questions,
    6. printing of all documents necessary to perform the training (attendance lists, etc.),
    7. recording data from surveys and generating statistics on participants' evaluation of the training.
  • Generating and printing all types of documents, generated on the basis of editable templates.
  • Advanced search of data within the system via the Statements and Statistical Analysis module.

Medical device certification

The Medical Device Certification Service System is designed to support all activities related to the organization and course of the medical device certification process as well as to support experts and auditors.

The system allows, among other things, for the following:

  • Collecting all customer information necessary for the successful completion of the certification process.
  • Recording expert data along with a detailed list of competences by function and medical device codes.
  • Constant supervision over experts cooperating with the unit, including the specification of their current competences.
  • Identification of opinions and reports from EC audits and internal expert verification.
  • Supervising the entire certification process:
    1. registering a complete certification application,
    2. fully automatic generation of the offer, based on the information about a customer and on the application submitted,
    3. selection of experts to evaluate product documentation, taking into account their competences,
    4. planning the audit schedule,
    5. drafting and printing contracts with experts,
    6. recording detailed results of the assessment of documentation,
    7. generating a report on the EC certification of a medical device,
    8. automatic issuance of certificates.
  • Generating and printing all types of documents, generated on the basis of editable templates.
  • Advanced search of data within the system via the Statements and Statistical Analysis module.

Food certification

The System Certification Service System is designed to support all activities related to the organization and implementation of the process of food certification.

The system allows, among other things, for the following:

  • Collecting all customer information necessary for the successful completion of the certification process.
  • Registering data about the members of the Technical Committee.
  • Supervising the entire certification process:
    1. registering a complete certification application,
    2. fully automatic generation of the offer, based on the information about a customer and on the application submitted,
    3. creating an inspection schedule if required,
    4. registering the Technical Committee and its opinions,
    5. creation and printing of all documents related to the organization of the Technical Committee,
    6. automatic issuance of certificates.
  • Generating and printing all types of documents, generated on the basis of editable templates.
  • Advanced search of data within the system via the Statements and Statistical Analysis module.